
Showing posts from April, 2018


What a wonder of a tarot deck is Nino Japaridze's Tarot. Nino is a surrealist artist from Paris and her interpretation of the Tarot is exquisite. Although the artwork is unique, the structure of the deck runs to tradition, so it is not hard to read once you align with the intensity of the illustration. Japaridze tarot @ Nino Japaridze The Majors are traditional as are the Court and the Minor Arcana. What stands the deck on its own is the brilliant illustration. It comes in a box set with a very clear and concise text by Steve Lucas and the deck is produced by U.S.Games. The suits of the Minor Arcana have been changed to winds, fire, tides and gardens. Although they differ from the tradition it is still very easy to read these as an elemental journey. Some of the minor cards represent certain traits; for example 5 Cups = grief,  3 Cup is card of happiness, 9 Cups is the wish card and so on. As we can see the Japaridze  portrays these concepts very clearly. (See card on right


Shamans Tarot @Lo Scarabeo Working with a deck like the Shaman Tarot by Lo Scarabeo with artwork by Sabrina Riganello and Alessia Pastorello , we begin a journey into shamanic concepts. Even though the deck is based on a traditional tarot structure  of major arcana, minor arcana and court cards the story is a shamanic journey story so our characters are new to us. To begin to work with a deck like this I propose a strong meditation practice. Rather than set this deck out in traditional reading spreads I would work in an individual process approach and get to know my new characters. The path of the shaman is the path of spiritual healing of oneself and the world. It is hard to get past the wonder of the major arcana when you open this deck. Even though the minor arcana made up of drums, bows, bones and stones is fascinating, I love the power in the majors and the wonderful vivid colours. We begin as always with the fool but in this deck he is a sacred fool and his dog is a k


Mystic Dream Tarot @ azurylipfe- Deviant art. My favourite section of the Tarot deck are the Court cards. They are often considered the hardest part of the deck to read and projected out on to other people. For example the Page of Wands is a young youth. For me a good court can be the only thing you need to sort out differences within relationships. Instead of projecting them onto others we can use them to own  aspects of ourselves. Therefore the Page of Wands becomes the youthful creative aspect of me.  I love to place the court cards down on a table and select myself in any given situation. I also may choose me by looking through the court face up and quite deliberately and then compare the card I drew hidden to see how far off I am in seeing myself. So lets say if I was trying to initiate a new project for work I look through the court and find the Knave of Pentacles, relating to the pathway that I had walked already and realising I was along way along the path but wanting to


Druidcraft Tarot @ Phillip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm The deck that speaks to everyone is the Druidcraft, illustrated by Will Worthington. This is a Wiccan and Druidry combo designed by Phillip and Stephanie Carr -Gomm. However it stretches much farther than this, I might hazard a guess that it is one of the most popular decks of all time. Certainly it is one that passes through Lyndall's Tarot regularly as it is easy to relate too and the characters leap out of the cards at you. It is also the deck I like to use for my Intensive Tarot Programs of the Tarot Quest and Building your Spirit Lodge. So why?  Firstly I think it may have to do with the size and quality of the production of the deck. Thats a strange reply but it is a solid deck of big cards that don't wear. I've had  my deck for years and it's still vibrant and alive; as good as new. The aliveness of the images is my next point. We don't need to go into meditation to talk to these characters. The