
Showing posts from September, 2018


Ostara tarot. Ostara Tarot Created by four fabulous illustrators who reside in Vancouver, this is the second Canadian deck I have been really impressed with. The four illustrators, Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard and Julia Iredale have produced a beautiful, gentle, thoughtful deck that reaches into the heart of the reader and entices her to explore the knowledge hidden within it. It's mystical and mythical, it's shamanic and varied. The animal custodians are equal to their human counterparts, all the worlds unite in this pastel coloured universe.   Ostara Tarot @Krista Gibbard For a combined project this deck pulls together very nicely. We can sometimes get great art but not a great deck, this however manages to hold together the storytelling within the deck. Maybe because the illustrators have an interest and knowledge of the occult that allowed them to create a working deck. The accompanying book is beautiful too. Very concise with coloured illustr


Tarot Venetian Carnival @ Eugene Vinitski TAROT SET IN VENICE. There are quite a few tarot decks set in Venice but they are not easy to get your hands on. This beautiful High Priestess by Eugene Vinitski and many other fabulously Venice iconic images can be found on Behance. Eugene is a Swiss illustrator and his work is magnificent. Is there an actual deck that I can get my hands on? I don't think so I suspect it is a deck in progress. I really love the deck so far. To confuse the matter even more there is another deck that comes up with a very similar title. This one is produced by Roxana Paul and can be purchased from her website. This is a new trend for tarot illustrators to have their own web pages and sell the deck directly to the buyer. This is a good idea but these decks are expensive. Not that I don't agree with the price but it makes one think a lot before buying.                                             This deck by Roxana Paul is also a beautiful deck of